Use "encroach|encroached|encroaches|encroaching" in a sentence

1. 14 The desert continually encroaches on the fertile land.

2. 4 But even there, modernity has encroached.

3. The desert continually encroaches on the fertile land.

4. The rhododendrons encroached ever more on the twisting drive.

5. Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the freedom of the individual.

6. Or encroach on the field of the fatherless.

7. The sea is encroaching on the land.

8. The sea is encroaching upon the land.

9. The Southern states Backlashed against the encroaching federalism.

10. Thereafter, it’s the familiar tale of encroaching Blimpishness

11. Development is also encroaching on its native habitat.

12. Gradually his capacious chin encroached upon the borders of the white cravat.

13. We moved back from the encroaching tide.

14. She stands accused of encroaching on others'possessions.

15. 2 It always seems presumptuous to encroach on that self-sufficiency.

16. 6 I won't encroach on your time any longer.

17. In our criminal law, crime of perjure encroaches on the normal criminal procedure of justice.

18. 28 The paint becomes exhausted, the city encroaches with its soot, the plaster crumbles within.

19. Memory loss, extreme paranoia, rapid aging, encroaching psychosis.

20. The sea is gradually encroaching on the land.

21. The fire encroached on the adjacent buildings and cost the lives of 2000 people.

22. The media, once again, saw it as further indication of encroaching madness.

23. She has become to me a web , a fatal emanation, an encroaching dream.

24. But recreation should refresh us, not endanger our spirituality or encroach on spiritual activities.

25. 27 We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

26. I turned into the dirt road and followed it through encroaching trees and bushes.

27. As fast as physics is encroaching into digital worlds, life is invading faster.

28. Poachers, illegal loggers and encroaching farmers are active everywhere across the sprawling archipelago.

29. She tried to prevent her work from encroaching too far on her private life.

30. 3 Newspaper articles assured the Soviets that the German Lebensraum did not encroach on Russian territory.

31. 5 Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives, never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives.

32. If the sea did not constantly encroach[Sentencedict], the salt within them would be washed out by rain.

33. Critics say it's encroaching on the green belt and would devastate local villages.

34. It was staffed by women and men who didn't like outsiders encroaching on their space.

35. In the New World preachers felt free to encroach and poach in search of souls.

36. 5 Finally the sea encroached on this topography producing steep cliffs, inlets, sea stacks and sandy or shingly beach deposits.

37. Kayenta Formation deposition was ended by the encroaching dune field that would become the Navajo Sandstone.

38. Poachers, illegal loggers and encroaching farmers are active everywhere across the sprawling archipelago.

39. Still, development had sprung up around the edges, like weeds encroaching on a garden.

40. Google also doesn't allow ads that expand beyond the frame or otherwise encroach on the app.

41. [Not allowed] Ads that expand beyond the frame or otherwise encroach on the website or app

42. 13 Finally the sea encroached on this topography producing steep cliffs, inlets, sea stacks and sandy or shingly beach deposits.

43. Large-scale deforestation and development have encroached on many former wildlife habitats, and pesticides in their food supply has reduced bird populations.

44. The erosion has created a fan of scree which is rapidly encroaching on the Lovers' walk path.

45. We do not want material interests, pleasures, recreation, and other distractions to encroach on our theocratic activities.

46. Synonyms for Barged in include interrupted, intruded, broke in, broken in, bursted in, butted in, charged, collided, cut in and encroached

47. When memory of prior mistakes encroached upon Ammon’s mind, he turned his thoughts to Jesus Christ and the miracle of forgiveness.

48. In his eagerness to escape the encroaching flames, he worked the action and fired three times in rapid succession.

49. A large segment of mankind turns to untrammeled nature as a last refuge from encroaching technology.

50. Article 41 Any entity or individual is prohibited from encroaching upon , pocketing or embezzling SAEFI assets.

51. These time-controlled data delineate a distinctive evolution from largely aggradational to largely progradational depositional geometries as deformation progressively encroaches on the foreland.

52. 21 The growth of bureaucratic power since 1900, Handlin wrote, had begun ominously to encroach upon the freedom of the individual.

53. Synonyms for Barging in include interrupting, intruding, breaking in, bursting in, butting in, charging, colliding, cutting in, encroaching and gatecrashing

54. By 1909, he was successful enough that he was encroaching on the criminal activity of the Black Hand organization.

55. I sensed, without understanding the implications, that he had areas of being upon which I was forbidden to encroach.

56. 21 Here and there a partial car skeleton peeped out of encroaching weeds, giving the neighborhood a certain Appalachian ambience.

57. Not only does she execute embroideries, but designs them too - thereby encroaching on what had formerly been a male preserve.

58. 20 Fourthly, a successful terminal at Stratford would inevitably and inexorably encroach on the Lea Valley regional park and reduce leisure facilities.

59. It is possible that the deletion is encroaching upon an important part of the protein and altering the conformation of the complex.

60. In the mid-1980s, the size of Al Ghutah was gradually being eroded as suburban housing and light industry from Damascus encroached on the oasis.

61. Coyotes are moving into more non-traditional areas, like metropolitan areas, as a result of development encroaching on their natural habitats.

62. Since 2008, the American patriot/militia movement—right-wing Antigovernment groups who portray themselves as fighting encroaching tyranny—has grown exponentially

63. The Creek War (1813–1814), also known as the Red Stick War, erupted in Alabama and Georgia as American settlers continued to encroach on Creek lands

64. He sees the United Nations not simply as bloated, but as encroaching dangerously and purposefully on the sovereignty of member nations.

65. One was the simple protection of individual rights against an encroaching state, the basic defence of rights in the liberal tradition.

66. 4 "Those banquets encroach and waste public money and should be regulated by law, so I am proposing a change to the criminal law to combat extravagancy," Zhao said.

67. The people of Saudi Arabia have planted 10 million tamarisk, acacia and eucalyptus trees to save the al-Hasa oasis, near Hofuf, from the encroaching desert.

68. They were silhouetted for a moment on the brow of the hill against a last pool of light among encroaching black storm-clouds.

69. 11:3) Even spending too much time viewing entertainment that may be considered acceptable can encroach on family worship, daily Bible reading, and our preparation for meetings. —Phil.

70. One is the quasi-Democratic tilt of the screenplay, with bad guys Bellyaching about taxes on the rich and encroaching Socialism (gee, that sounds familiar)

71. Paul urges Christians to abstain from fornication and to exercise self-control so that “no one go to the point of harming and encroach upon the rights of his brother.”

72. 14 Paul urges Christians to abstain from fornication and to exercise self-control so that “no one go to the point of harming and encroach upon the rights of his brother.”

73. Casalis, acting as translator and providing advice on foreign affairs, helped to set up diplomatic channels and acquire guns for use against the encroaching Europeans and the Griqua people.

74. (9) ‘night duty’ means a duty period encroaching any portion of the period between 02:00 and 04:59 in the time zone to which the crew is acclimatised;

75. Accinged truchman pulicide clockers caginess clippers dactylar cosmesis compacts chalazas coachmen chappies pythonic cardamom clicking capacity divorcee comether encroach potching recaptor cajolers fuchsite bitching covetise decreets scowling capsized corniche gunstock sufficed

76. The plot follows the titular bumbler, an aimless father and husband with rich parents who stumbles around Chongqing and Shanghai and elsewhere, involving himself in various schemes, such as starting a publishing house, until the Japanese encroach and Bo’le’s Bumblingness …

77. “For this is what God wills, the sanctifying of you, that you abstain from fornication; . . . that no one go to the point of harming and encroach upon the rights of his brother [or, reasonably, of one’s sister] in this matter . . .

78. And the Trees Crept In is a terrifying, lyrical journey into the darkest abyss, and one that will haunt me for a long time."―Kat Ellis, author of Blackfin Sky "A fight for survival, an encroaching forest, a cursed manor, and dark secrets

79. ‘Their initial Banality allows them to be fulfilled, to take on another life, to free themselves of their own geographies.’ ‘We are forced to reimagine those images; he rescues that terrible footage from encroaching Banality.’ ‘Tours through North America and Britain are recounted with spirit-crushing Banality.’

80. ‘Yet the two reporters Ascribed the development to rural poverty.’ ‘He Ascribed the poor results to poverty and the lack of resources at most schools.’ ‘Many people in the department ascribe his odd behaviour to drunkenness and encroaching senility.’ ‘In Avalonia this last period is Ascribed …